Home » NOS 12 TRAVAUX STRATÉGIQUES » Strategic Projects: stay tuned!
The 2018-2022 strategic plan was officially launched during the Intermat trade show in April 2018, and it is about to enter its 4th year of implementation.
To ensure the effective execution of more than 50 projects supporting 12 strategic axes, a project portfolio management method was applied.
This method allowed to prioritize 22 projects, which were officialized in October 2019.
At the end of 2020, 8 projects have been implemented, and 9 more are very close to completion. The current execution of the strategic plan is estimated to be 35%.
Some of the key achievements of the year are:
- The set-up of a structured approach to manage key accounts,
- A new regional organization in China,
- New digital tools to improve our effectiveness, with the first lots of PLM and Trust, as well as a new Learning Management System,
- And of course the opening of H3
2020 was also the year when the Fleet Management project and the Changzhou 2 factory were validated for implementation.
In addition, the Project Management Officer (PMO) function was created to strengthen the management and execution of the remaining strategic projects.
As you know, the 2021 budget was built in a context full of uncertainty, with very low visibility.
More than ever, we have to focus on choosing the right projects, the ones that fully support our strategy, and to implement them as effectively as possible.
In this perspective, the COMEX intends to review and update the company business plan as well as the strategic roadmap during the first semester of 2021.
Stay tuned!
See also
Strategic Projects: stay tuned!
David Alviani, PMO (Project Management Officer) of the Group gives us an update on the current situation.
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