Our ESG performance
In early March 2022 we received our first ECOVADIS rating for our ESG performance.
Don’t known what it means?
Don’t panic, Bérenger explains it all for you!
What is ESG?
ESG, stands for Environmental Social and Governance, it is defined as the voluntary integration by companies of social and environmental concerns into their commercial activities and their relations with their partners (customers, suppliers, etc.).
In other words, ESG is the contribution of companies to the challenges of sustainable development.
A company which practices ESG will seek to have a positive impact on society by concerning itself with subjects such as the environment, working conditions, diversity and equality and fair trade practices whilst remaining economically viable.
EcoVadis is an independent global organization providing ESG ratings for companies. Its methodology is used to assess the quality of a company’s ESG management system through its policies, the actions implemented and the results.
This assessment is performed by means of an online platform and is based on the criteria illustrated below.
Each answer to the questionnaire must be backed up by a document.
The answers are then examined and rated by the ECOVADIS experts, who deliver a global rating, analyze the strong points and the improvements to be made.
And what is HAULOTTE’s ESG performance exactly?
Haulotte’s ESG performance
This is the first assessment performed for the Group, and our performance is considered to be
ECOVADIS found that our ESG approach is taking shape, with specific actions throughout the group. We need to progress on various topics, particularly on the publication of more precise indicators reflecting the Group’s global performance, and on the involvement of all our partners.
We are communicating this assessment to some of our stakeholders, including LOXAM and KILOUTOU, who incorporate these criteria into their own partner assessment systems.
We have just been talking about the Group’s ESG approach. What is it?
Without even knowing it, you all engage in activities promoting ESG every day. However, to respond to the Group’s societal, environmental and governance challenges, a dedicated team is working on structuring our approach in order to share it with you shortly and to expand it together.
If you would like to know more, please consult our Extra-Financial Performance Statement, which you can find HERE. You will find plenty of information addressing the main ESG themes.
Happy reading!