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2020-2022 have been three tumultuous years which have spared no one, both in our private and professional lives.

I would first of all like to thank you all for your commitment during this demanding, unprecedented period.

We have achieved a record order portfolio with all our customers and partners. I would like to stress the historic performance of the American team, who have finally transformed all our investments on this market over almost 20 years, both on the Biljax range and our Haulotte range. I also want to draw attention to the performances of our European teams, who have protected their territories and stood up to the exceptionally aggressive new Chinese operators. Last but not least, the Asia/Pacific teams also deserve a mention. From Australia to Turkey, they have taken our brand to new heights in the face of this new Chinese competition.

I also have a special thought for our industrial teams, who are standing firm in the storm caused by the steep increase in our costs and the significant disruption to our logistics chains, and for the Corporate team who challenge themselves every day to improve our efficiency and better serve our customers.

Because we need to maintain this momentum, our Group is continuing its development through our “Ambition 2025” plan unveiled at the end of last year. This plan reveals the importance of the contribution each and every one of us makes to the success of our projects.

From our new industrial model, which is more flexible, more optimized and more “4.0”, to our IT infrastructures delivering more information whilst protecting us against cyber risks, our Group is constantly transforming to better respond to an ecosystem undergoing profound change.

With every passing day, we are becoming more of a learning company supported by its human capital and generating innovations and value. Our Let’s Dare and Yello programs are the markers, supported by the management of the projects portfolio by the Project Management Officer.

I know that I can count on each and every one of you to make this plan a success.

2023 must be a strong milestone, a pivotal year in the transformation of our actions into tangible results and thus put us on the road to succeed in our 2025 ambition. 

I wish you all health, happiness and success for you and your loved ones.